Namib Desert 2

Grader drivers asking for food – luckily we had some Biltong left

From the Kuiseb River we made our way north, past the Ganab waterhole to the Blutkuppe. The drive had some good and some bad parts, with corrugated pads and sandy river crossings. At the Blutkuppe we chose camp site no. 8, which was the last in the north before the deep sand started, something we didn’t want to try out.

Armoured katydid – 5 cm long body
Ground squirrel
Camp site no. 8

There are 15 campsites around the Blutkuppe. We stayed here for 2 nights and didn’t see any other campers. There was a “long drop” toilet nearby, a fire place and bins and a picknick table under the tree – what more do you need?

Tackling the mountain
There is the quiver tree

With the binoculars, we had spotted a quiver tree high up on the mountain, which looked so lovely we decided to go there. It just turned out it wasn’t that easy. From a distance it looks like a round boulder you can just walk up. In reality it gets very steep in some parts and you have to be very careful, as the onion skin weathering produces loose slabs.

Quiver tree on top of the Blutkuppe

Not far from the Blutkuppe a hike starts through fascinating rock formations. There is a parking and an information board, just no clear path to follow. Sometimes we saw some markers, but most of the time we had to navigate with the gps. (For hiking trails we use LocusMaps)

Checking on the phone if we are still on track
Footprints of a big antelope, maybe a Kudu?
Flower in the desert
Following the hiking trail of the antelopes
Reaching the summit of Sentry Hill
We did it!
What do you see? A horse?
Core crack caused by temperature weathering
Who lives here?
Flower of the Day

We had a great time at the Blutkuppe, with exploring the mountain and the surrounding area on foot. When you drive past, you think there is nothing, but when you walk around, you discover so many plants and animals, it is fascinating.

We need now a petrol station, as we discovered, that our tank volume is a restricting factor in this part of the world. Therefore we will head straight to Swakopmund to fill up and enjoy a couple of days of city life for a change.

2 thoughts on “Namib Desert 2”

  1. oh that’s very exciting, we had always calculated like this: every 500 km or so there should be a gas station, so there are no serious restrictions. Does this assumption also apply here?
    Greetings, Gunter

    1. Hallo Gunter,

      yes in a radius of 500km you might find a gas station, but the question is, if this station fits to your trip!

      All the best!

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