We started the new year in Side/Turkey, from where we travelled back to Greece and immediately to Italy. We explored the South of Italy for a bit and then returned to Austria to prepare for a new continent. We spent the Easter holidays with our son exploring the Normandy before we finally dropped our camper in Antwerp.

From Antwerp the camper was shipped to Southern Africa, where it arrived at the 2nd of June. Since then we are travelling through Southern Africa. We decided to go along the coast past Cape Town to Namibia, where we met our son and his girlfriend end of July, who travelled with us for 3 weeks through Namibia, using a rented car with roof tent.

After the kids flew back home, we decided to travel further north in Namibia and to the Caprivi Strip, where we crossed into Zambia by the end of September.
At the beginning of November we had reached the North of Zambia and crossed the border into Tansania, where we finally reached Dar Es Salaam and Zanzibar. We flew home over Christmas and will continue our journey from January 2023. Our plan is to travel north until we reach the equator and then turn around travelling back down to South Africa. But plans are made to be changed, so we will see.