From our island in the salt pan, we drove the shortest route to the Khama Rhino Sanctuary. We took a suggested shortcut over a gravel road following a cattle fence, which was a good option saving us many kilometres. Just on the first part from Kukonje Island south we had a couple of riverbed crossings, which were interesting, especially the one, were the metal pipes were already dented by heavy vehicles. We just hoped that they would carry us.

We stayed the night at the Khama Rhino Sanctuary, where we went on a game drive but didn’t see very much. The weather was overcast and it was late in the day, so the condition were not good.

The next day we didn’t try it again but made our way to Goo Moremi, a nature reserve at the Tswapong Hills, where the Goo-Moremi gorge can be explored with a guide.

We decided to walk from the campsite to where the gorge hike starts, which took us about one hour (you can also drive there). At the entrance to the gorge we met our guide, who told us about the importance of the gorge to the local people, as they believe that their ancestors live there. He also knew a lot about plants and animals and we enjoyed having him with us.

The river coming down from the hills carries water all year round. When you have in mind the dry and sandy Botswana, this is truly a magic place.

One of the two colonies of Cape Vultures in Botswana are nesting in this gorge. We could watch them around their nests and circling above the gorge.

After we came out of the gorge, we walked back home again. Just 20min walk from our campsite, there is a natural waterhole, where we saw Kudu, Zebra, Wildebeest and Eland antelopes besides many birds. Also at the campsite we had an astounding variety of birds visiting us.

At the moment, we are waiting for a spare part being sent to Gaborone. What will we do until it arrives? We are not sure yet but are looking into exploring the Kalahari. More soon!