While stuck in Gaborone, we made an excursion to the Matsieng footprints. An area of rocks with 3 potholes with water were an important site for the San. Thousands of years ago, they engraved mostly footprints into these rocks, but we saw also a snake and the print of a lion.

Another excursion took us to the missionary station of David Livingstone from 1847 – 1852. The remains of the church and the house are just the outlines of the buildings, as they were thoroughly destroyed by the Boers, but the guide was very knowledgable and told us a lot about the history.

Another place we explored was the Gaborone Dam, which provides water to the city. It is not easy to get close to this lovely lake and you are not allowed to swim anyway, but at the Gaborone Yacht Club, you can enjoy the great view with a drink.

While waiting for our spare parts, we stayed at the Lion Park south of the city. The big campground provides everything we needed including a bath tup and washing machine. We could visit the lions or enjoy the atmosphere of the park, where birthdays were celebrated and families enjoyed the rides and the pool with slides. A great place if travelling with kids!

We are hoping to get our delivery cleared by DHL every day, but up to know, they let us wait and wait. As soon we have the parcel in hand, we will leave Botswana.
bis bald dann aus XXX??
eventuell aus ZS ….