Our Corona diary, week 1

March 14, 2020

We arrived from Hungary with our camper and our son came from Utrecht with the last possible flight just before the lockdown for all public life was enforced. Lucky to be together, but curious what will come:

Meeting first time again after three months

March 15, 2020

Here some Information from “metropole.at” @ March 15, 2020:

Two weeks after the first cases of coronavirus were diagnosed in Austria, the situation in Europe has gone from worrisome to grave. Italy has been on lockdown since March 9, 2020, spurring other governments, businesses, organizations and individuals into action – also in Austria.

Here is a wrap-up of the measures currently in place in Austria, as they were announced.

March 15, 2020:
In a parliamentary session dedicated to the corona crisis, the Austrian government announced today a raft of new and extensive measures to slow the spread of the virus:
Restaurants and bars will be closed from Tuesday, March 17, onwards.
Gatherings are now limited to no more than 5 people (even inside homes).
The militia of the Austrian Federal Army will be mobilized.
Young men who did alternative social service (Zivildienst) in the last five years will be called into service; the period of those currently serving will be prolonged.
Travellers coming from the Netherlands, UK, Russia and Ukraine are banned from entering the country.

Sebastian Kurz
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Wir haben bereits angekündigt, dass #Österreich auf Notbetrieb herunterfahren muss. Zusätzlich werden wir noch weitere Maßnahmen setzen müssen: Versammlungen werden auf Zeit gänzlich untersagt. #COVID19
10:13 AM – Mar 15, 2020
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Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called on the population to “self-isolate,” meaning to only ”have social contacts with the people you live with.” Austria will have to reduce social and public life to the bare minimum and go into “emergency mode” from Monday onwards.

Our parking for the corona crisis

March 17, 2020

March 17, 2020 empty highway heading to Vienna
March 17, 2020 09:00 Kärntnerstrasse, Vienna city centre
Banks are open but very few customers

March 18, 2020

three days of self-isolation, very nice weather, sun and 20 Celsius, time for a BBQ!

Firing up 
March 19, 2020

Neue Zürcher Zeitung:

In der Nähe der Schweizer Grenze gelegenen Provinz Bergamo spielt sich derzeit eine Katastrophe ab. Über 4000 Angesteckte auf 1,2 Millionen Einwohner wurden hier bisher gezählt, mehr als in jeder anderen Provinz. Alleine in der vergangenen Woche starben 330 Erkrankte, mehr als zehnmal so viele wie normal. Die Leichenhallen sind voll, die Krematorien überlastet, und auf dem Friedhof von Bergamo wird im Halbstundentakt beigesetzt. Bürgermeister der Region hatten vor einem Monat die Abriegelung der Region verlangt, das Innenministerium in Rom gab dem damals jedoch nicht statt.

Current numbers in Austria:


We decide to start a 6 hours walk ….


Very nice weather around Vienna, 18 Celsius
Closed because of Corona 
Refreshing well on the way up
 893 meters, top of the Matras Warte @ Schöpfl 
Snow drops

March, 20 2020

Update on the CORONA numbers published on:


Stand, 20.03.2020, 08:00 Uhr
Bisher durchgeführte Testungen: 15.613
Bestätigte Fälle: 2.203
Genesene Personen: 9
Todesfälle: 6
Coronavirus Hotline: 0800 555 621

After one week of self-isolation, we are all well, without any typical CORONA symptoms. The Austrian government extended today the “self-isolation period” until April 13.
We expect a much longer period of public “emergency mode”. As Corona seems to hit Europe much harder than China, we think that it will take a minimum of six months to return to normal life.

The supply of food and energy is still very good, currently no need to worry!

March, 20 2020, Family in best condition

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