Winter had arrived to the Austrian mountains, and we wanted to do some skiing with our son while he was in Austria for the holidays. Hotels were closed due to the Corona lockdown, but the lifts were allowed to open.
Luckily, we have our home on wheels! We just drove to the skiing area and parked there for the night. This way we could do 2 days of skiing in the fresh snow and have it cosy and warm during the night in our “Cochecito”.
100,000 km on our “Cochechito”! Didn’t feel that much when you travel every day a little bit. We are thankful that our car turned out to be very reliable and that we could travel that far without any major problems, either with the actual car or with the caravan built by Dopfer.
Soon a new year starts, and we look forward to many more kilometres on the road travelling through Europe and soon also to other continents, when the virus is beaten. But first we will celebrate the New Year with friends in the snow.
Hello, I came across your travel posts in Austria, really fun to read!
Me and my boyfriend have been living in Graz, Austria for a bit more than a year now.
We love skiing more than anything, but now due to the lockdown it’s a bit difficult from Graz. We have a car and wanted to rent a Wohnwagen.
Since it seems like all camping sites are closed, I wanted to ask you if you know about any places where it would be possible for us to park it, without breaking any corona restrictions.
For example when you were in the Gastein Valley, was it no problem to park for the night?
Would love to hear from you if you can spare a few minutes.
All the very best
Dear Brynja,
don’t worry much about parking, it is very relaxed as there is no tourism at the moment.
Be aware that the camper has to be winter proof, for example a water tank which can’t freeze.
As all the camping places are closed, there are only few official camper parkings available.
The only one we know is the one in Velden – see park4night, from where you can easily reach Gerlitzen or even Nassfeld.
At this place you will find water and electricity.
We wish you all the best and good skiing!
Dear Edi,
thank you very much for the information! It was very helpful.
All the best to you!