Lake Naivasha & Hells Gate

After a couple of days in Nairobi, where we pondered where to go first, we made a last minute decision to head north to the lakes of the Rift Valley. Our first destination was Lake Naivasha, where we found the fantastic Fisherman’s Camp directly at the lake shore.

Fisherman’s Camp

We could go on a boat trip over the lake, together with Rene and John from the Netherlands, sharing the costs and the pleasure of the ride.

Fish Eagle – always in pairs
Little Egret – ready to impress the ladies
Giant Heron
Great Egret – having his mouth full
Dodo’s Folly – an eight-story family home
Cattle Egret
Lovely restaurant @ Fisherman’s Camp
Watching our neighbour

The next day, we rented MTB at our campsite and cycled to Hell’s Gate NP. For the fun to cycle through the park, we paid 52,- Euros for the two of us, which didn’t include the required guide to the gorge, which was another 20,- Euros.

Paying for a guide

Two years ago, a tragedy had happened at Hell’s Gate, where a group of hikers was caught by a sudden flooding of the gorge and died. Since then an alarm system and emergency exit routes were established, but the hike through the gorge was still closed. The reopening will happen by end of this monty (May 25th) though. We did a short hike with our guide along the cliff to get a view into the gorge, where Tomb Raider and Lion’s King were filmed.

Soon to be removed
Look into the gorge
Flower of the Day

We enjoyed the scenery of Lake Naivasha and Hell’s Gate a lot, also thanks to the fabulous campsite at the lake shore. Our next destination will be Lake Elementaita, a bit further north in the Rift Valley.

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