Travel Route 2024

We start our route for 2024 by crossing from Malawi into Tanzania on the 2nd of January. Our plan is to drive home to Austria by shipping the camper from Mombasa/Kenya to Salalah/Oman. This way we will be able to visit the Middle East. We hope to arrive in Austria around June/July 2024.
The route lead us through, Oman, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Iraq, Turkey, maybe Cyprus and then back to Austria.

The shipping of our camper from Mombasa to Oman was a little bit of an adventure, but in the end, everything went well, and we could continue our route through the Middle East.

Kenya to Oman

In March, after travelling through Oman for a month, we suddenly had to fly back to Austria. Sadly Edi’s mum had died, therefore we spent 3 weeks at home before we came back in April, to continue our journey.

After a short visit of Dubai and Abu Dhabi, we did a detour to the Liwa Oasis before we crossed Saudi Arabia from East to West and travelled up through the Hejaz region.

Next we visited Jordan with its rich history, then crossed Saudi Arabia again to reach Kuwait and then Iraq.

All the route from Oman to Austria

Via Turkey, Cyprus, Bulgaria and Romania we drove back home to Austria where we reached our home base 9th of July 2024.

On the way to Marocco

After a great summer in Austria, we hit the road again, when autumn kicked in, and we felt the urge to travel again. We made our way to Spain, where we will spend the last weeks of this year.

7 thoughts on “Travel Route 2024”

  1. Ewald Haslinger

    Good luck for all your journey(s) in 2024. Interesting destinations are coming in the future!

  2. Steph Mölders

    Hello you two,
    Love to meet you im Andalusia when you touch down here.
    That would be super.
    Have a great journey
    Best regards

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