We had spent a hot night at the Semuliki NP campsite, which was at a lovely clearing in the forest. The day we arrived and also the night was very hot, but the next morning it was overcast, raining and much cooler again. Instead of a 3 hours hike for bird watching, we decided to visit only the hot springs.

As the park lies in the Albertine Rift Valley, the water from the Rwenzori mountains meets the magma and the hot water reaches the surface in this swamps.

We had brought some eggs, which we could boil in the hot water. At the end of our visit, we had perfectly boiled eggs as a snack with us.

Around the springs, we saw many birds, like palm-nut vultures, green pigeons and the blue turaco again. Some monkeys were also hiding in the trees.

We will return now to Fort Portal and then continue to the north-west of Uganda.
Thank you for the beautiful photos.
73 Stan
Hallo ihr Lieben! Wollte euch nach Afrika entgegen kommen, hab es aber nur bis Marokko geschafft (und da nur auf ausgetretenen Touristenpfaden).
Liebe Grüße
Hallo Peter,
ja, sehr gut, nach Marokko haben wir es noch nicht geschafft!