At the Wörthersee, we found a camper parking in Velden, not far from the famous lake. After we spent the night there, we went to explore the lake promenade and the town of Velden, which is a summer destination for the rich and famous.

The castle at the Wörthersee got famous as film set, especially for the series “Ein Schloß am Wörthersee” (1990–92) with Roy Black as the leading actor. The castle was turned into a hotel long ago and was extended and modernised over the years.

From Velden we were now on the way to Graz, taking the road over the Soboth pass, where a lake lies high up in the mountains. We decided to stop there for the night and enjoy the winter landscape.

If the weather is good, we will go for a winter hike tomorrow, before we have to drive to Graz to get some errands done. Hopefully we have a chance to do some washing too.