It turned out to be lion’s day in Mikumi NP when we visited. The first time we had seen so many lions in one day, in total 4 groups. We were already happy with the first group, when our guide got the information, that there is something happening not far from us. We sped through the park to get to the scene of the struggle for survival.
It turned out a lions couple had just caught a young buffalo and his mother. The lioness was already digging into the young one, which was still alive and groaning. Not very nice to watch but that’s nature. The lion had the mother in a deadly grip, closing her mouth and nostrils with its jaw to suffocate her. She was still kicking and it took a long time, until she finally was finished. Not a beautiful scene of cuddly lions, but a brutal one.
We had a very special experience that day, which we will never forget. From our campsite at the Tan Swiss Lodge we will drive another time trough Mikumi NP on the way to Morogoro and Dar es Salaam. More soon.