Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas

The new year started with the decision to hit the road and go south in the direction of Algeciras and the ferry to Morocco. We first stopped at St. Pola, to fill up our gas bottles, which were close to empty again. Luckily, there are places in Spain, where they fill your German bottle, which in general isn’t possible.

Puebla de Don Fadrique

We left the coast and drove inland, stopping at Puebla de Don Fadrique, where we did a little tour through the town and went to the supermarket.

Ermita de las Santas – early 20th century

The next day we were driving on winding roads up and down the mountains into the National Park of the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas, dominated by forests of old pine trees but also the original oak trees and other native trees of this region.


We stopped at the village of Hornos, which lies prominent on a rock above the valley, with views over the Embalse de Tranco.

Hornos at the end of the dam
Deer crossed the road a couple of times

Driving south along the lake, we reached the river Borosa, where we stayed at the camper parking for the night. The next morning, we hiked up this lovely river, with crystal clear water and interesting rock formations.

Borosa river

We continued our route south, passing Cazorla and stopped south of Jódar when it got dark. Our intention was to drive into the Gorafe badlands from the north-west, from Villanueva de las Torres.

Tomorrow we will do some gravel driving at Gorafe – how difficult will it get?

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