Our Corona diary, week 5, planning ahead …

As CORONA shuts down all life to a minimum of movement, we too are at the same location now for 5 weeks! No fun for us, and we are eager planning our most likely options for possible travel destinations in the near future.

Looking for the next possible travel route …

All around the world politicians and experts are discussing how to start normal daily life like work, sports, shopping and travelling again. The current problem is, that no vaccination for Covid-19 is tested and available to protect us of the next pandemic.

APPLE & GOOGLE start to develop a contact tracing platform 

Maybe a contact tracing application, which is installed on all mobiles, could help stop spreading the virus. We hope that using technology like this, travelling in Europe will be possible in the near future.

To go with the own camper will be the first way to travel again. You don’t need hotels and restaurants, which will be the last to open after the shut-down. With your camper, it is easy to keep the chance of an infection low.

Germany, our next possible target!
Our plan is to explore more of Germany, which has so much to offer, but where we have not spent much time yet. We are looking mainly for hiking routes and bike routes along rivers or old railway tracks, medieval monuments or Roman traces which allow us to explore the country with few social contacts. Sad but at the moment for the best.

Very nice medieval spots in Germany …
Or Roman traces …..
 The Roman Limes across Germany!

But first we need a good development of the Corona infection numbers across Europe, especially in Austria and Germany, to open these countries for travel this summer!

Austrian and German numbers pointing still in the right direction since two weeks now.
LINK to start the CNN Video

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