We were finally ready and our journey to Africa started in Antwerp/Belgium, where we dropped our camper at the harbour to be shipped to Port Elizabeth/South Africa. We had organised the shipment through Seabridge, who did a very good job and gave us all the information we could possibly need.

At Atmosafe, in the harbour area of Antwerp, we get our empty LPG Propane tank certified. It took us very, very long to get all the Propane gas used up. The last days the heating was constantly turned to 24 degrees and water was boiling for hours on all three flames of the stove. We now know that we still have gas for a long time, even when the last green dot on the display has turned red.

We are now downgraded to travel by train, a fun experience for a change. First, we are going to Utrecht to meet our son, before we will take a train to Austria.
We hope everything goes well and end of May we will be reunited with our camper in Port Elizabeth, from where our Africa adventures will start. More on our next post!
über das Dopfer-Forum bin ich auf euren Blog gestolpert und bin gespannt auf weitere Berichte.
Gute Reise 👋
Hallo Ulli,
hab Dir gerade im Forum geantwortet …