Nine Alpha One Alpha

In Zagreb we met Emil (9A9A) to visit one of the world leading Ham Radio Contest stations. To see this station is like visiting a Formula One racing team, or the opportunity to sail a Americas Cup yacht!

The short wave radio communication antenna farm @ sunset

Using radio waves you can contact any location world wide without using any infrastructure in between. This makes this 100 years old technology that fascinating.

See: What is a Ham Radio Contest?

Parking in front of the 40 meters high antenna towers
Emil 9A9A, DXer and Contester, one of the founders and active member at 9A1A contest station.
Tuning to the right frequency to receive worldwide communication
short wave radio
Young enthusiast Flo OE3FTA performing the “CQ worldwide” contest
48 hours of operation needs 3 shifts with concentrated radio amateurs
SCC WW RTTY Contest 2016. L to R : 9A7RA, 9A5AEV, 9A3WW, 9A7QQ, 9A7PP, 9A5PL
Winning youngster team in front of the wall of fame of 9A1A!
BBQ break for the not operating shift
BBQ operators

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