After our very successful visit to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary, we hit the road again, to spend a couple of days at the Victoria Nile. From Lake Victoria, once considered the source of the Nile, until Lake Albert, the Nile bears that name.

To get to our camp at the Nile, we decided to take the shorter gravel route through many villages. We didn’t know in what condition the road would be after the rain of the last night. We also didn’t know, that there would be road works in the middle of a swamp.

When we came to the swamp and saw the commotion, we intently watched the truck in front of us. If he would make it through, we hoped we would have no problem either.

The youth of the the area were there to show us the best route to get through the river we had to cross. Of course they got their tip afterwards.

We were relieved, when we had past this section without a problem. Finally we reached “The Haven”, the camp at the Nile, where we planned to relax for a couple of days.

We were watching the water flow past us, one day reaching the Mediterranean Sea, but we also had some work to do. Apart from writing our post, we also planned the route for the next weeks.

We also had the chance to watch a lot of birds, monkeys and other animals at our campsite.

We had a great time at the Nile, but after a couple of nights we always get antsy again, and are ready for new adventures. We will next make a short stop in Jinja, before we continue to Kampala – the capital of Uganda.